Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Breakfast – French Toast and Sausage
Private devotion time
Split into two work groups (see picture)
Septic “life is a ditch, dig it”
Qui Shed (Guinea Pig) “A happy qui is tasty qui”
More construction
Down pour
Free Time
Short Term Mission Orientation
Sleep…dogs barking…sleep…dogs chasing fox…trying to sleep…

We worked very hard, a lot of physical labor, partly due to the altitude. We needed to make sure we drank a lot of water. Both tasks seem rather daunting, but we put a really good dent in both projects. We were very tired at the end of the day, but we felt we really accomplished something. The group is growing in fellowship, and having a fun time with each other. We are laughing a lot (mostly at Scotty’s expense) and we think the LORD is too!

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