Friday, May 4, 2007

Back Up The Mountain

The day started with another perimeter hike. The group was a bit smaller, but we were determined to see the sunrise at the summit. When we arrived there, we did have fewer clouds than yesterday, but our view was still a bit obstructed. We will try again tomorrow. During our devotion time this morning Brad Miller introduced us to a new method of bible study called “Turning God’s Word Loose”. It is a great way to dig into an area of scripture. Be sure to ask us about it when we see you again.

We completed the drain field and some landscaping, and almost finished the roof of the Qui shed. Thanks for the prayers for the lumber to show up and the rains to hold off. Both requests were answered. After our projects were completed, we took a journey to the center of the earth. Well actually just to the equator, where we were told that we are all 2 pounds lighter than at home. Which none of us believe because the food has been soooo good here.

Tonight we had a panel discussion with the missionary men that are serving here in Quito. The three that participated were Brad, Bob, and Howard (and Howard’s wife Mary). They gave their testimony on how they came onto the mission field and allowed us to ask many questions. It is interesting to see how God uses people of many backgrounds and talents to expand his kingdom. Some may not return the same…

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