Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Breakfast – scrambled eggs with ham, pantitas, pineapple.
Private devotion time
Back to our work projects.
More construction
Team Building
Debriefing and musical worship
Sleep, hopefully without the dogs!

We were a little slower to get back to our projects, but we were anxious to get back to work. We also are really appreciating our devotional time. It always seems to be too short. It has been fun learning Spanish and trading vocabulary with Oher (sp?) and the Enricque (sp?), Andreas and Angelica. Ditch digging is an incremental experience as we thought we reached our goal several times. We’re having fun figuring out the different challenges at the Qui shed, but we are still not always anxious to end our work day.

Team building was yet another rewarding experience for us. We are becoming a more transparent group as we are able to experience a couple of the events as the youth groups and leaders experience when they come onsite.

We had another great dinner with Oher and his 5 year old twin sons, Vladamir and Kenneth. The twins were entertained by Tom and his magic tricks. We finished another great day in “Flexidor” with an impactful devotion time and song and praise session.


dradecki said...

Hey Guys - Glad to hear all is still going well (except the noisey dogs and achey muscles!)Just think of how easy the yard work will seem when you get back :)
Dawn, Katie, and Aly

agibbs said...

Keep up the great Kingdom work guys! Hope you don't run out of Ibuprofen and drink more water. Love to all of you, the Gibbs girls said...

Hey Guys- I was led to turn off the radio and pray for the team today, I told God that I usually don't turn off Dan Conry on KTLK because it is the fastest 2 hours of radio on the air....God won...again. So I lifted you all up in prayer. Looking at the blog, your pain has been manageable which is good, praise be the name of the Lord. Sleep, I hope will come easier tonight. May Christ guide and protect you at this next juncture!

trhomer said...

Hey Guys; I have been praying for all of you. As men we are called to be servants of Christ. Keep on being Christ with clothes on. Just a special shout out to Chris R. God loves you and so do I!