Thursday, May 3, 2007

“An oasis in the midst of an assault on your senses.”

The above was a comment made by Mike Charron after our visit to the dump. The oasis he was referring to is the day care center at the dump. This ministry, Extreme Response, is providing a safe alternative to children working alongside their parents in the dump. They can give these young children proper care and Christian influence, and as they grow older, give them opportunity for a good education.

We had a full day, but the one item I want to share about was our visit to Casa Gabriel. This is an awesome ministry, not just to get kids off the street, but to receive those whom God has chosen to raise up as leaders. We heard two testimonies from boys who took to the streets around age 7, and how God reached them and began to transform their lives. These two boys are now 15. God appears to be using them in a tremendous way, and this environment will give them the training to become leaders.

On a second note, we were introduced to Gustavo, a new resident. The touching part is that he has no spiritual family, meaning his family is not Christian, and therefore no one is there to pray for him. All these boys have many people praying for them and their development in the Lord. Some of us signed up to keep these boys in our prayers every day, and to send them things like birthday cards and Christmas cards. It is very meaningful for these boys to know that someone cares for them, and is praying for them.

We are all doing fine, and having some interesting conversations. This is a great adventure, and we are looking ahead to coming forward home.

Tom Zarnke


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think you men are the oasis God has created. Blessings on your work today and on getting the load of lumber. We are holding all the rain here so you won't have to worry about getting your projects done. Have a great day of work and witnessing and we'll keep the prayers going - Tim