Sunday, April 29, 2007

Sunday in Ecuador

A great start to our Men's Eucador Mission trip! We started the day with a delicious baked oatmeal breakfast, then headed out to worship at Carmen Bajo. Two of the men got to share their testimony (Mark and Scott S) and Mike S gave a wonderful message about men's struggles. We had fuilling lunch at the home of Pastor Fabian from Carmen Bajo and were blessed by his wife, father and daughter. We then headed back to Carmen Bajo for some sharing time with some of the men of the congregation. Mike R, Darren and Tom shared their testimony along with very moving personal testimonies from three of the Carmen Bajo men. We ventured over the the office of Youth World for a brief orientation before finishing the day at Brad and Sandi's for our second arroz con pollo meal of the day (don't tell Sandi). Thanks to all of our gracious host for their generous hospitality. We are all very tired and looking forward to a deep restful night of sleep, for tomorrow we begin our work at El Refugio. Good night everyone!

Men's Mission Team


Unknown said...

Thanks Rick for keeping us updated on what is going on with the group - it is sincerely appreciated! If any new prayer requests arise, be sure to let us know. It is a joy and a privilege to support the team through prayer. God's richest blessings over all of your combined efforts! Greet everyone from me...especially Darren! :-)

agibbs said...

Hey dear! Glad to hear all is well! We have been praying whole heartily back here for all of you. Sounds like your C Bajo time was amazing and moving. God is good! The girls say 'hi' and we love you. Blessings to everyone there!

agibbs said...

Oh yeah, how is everyone's health and how's your collar bone healing up?

dradecki said...

Hey Fellas - Great to hear all is going well!! Woodbury is noticeably quieter without all of you! The kids send giggling snuggles and look forward to future updates :)

agibbs said...

Good times, good times.
Hi Dad this is julia
hope your having fun

agibbs said...

Are we Skyping Wednesday night and what time? Some families will be here. Love you and blessings!