WLC Men's Ecuador Mission Trip

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

The Pictures Are Here

Feel free to checkout the pictures from our trip. The Slide Show contains a summary of the pictures that we took. Then each individuals pictures are listed with their names.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Back Up The Mountain

The day started with another perimeter hike. The group was a bit smaller, but we were determined to see the sunrise at the summit. When we arrived there, we did have fewer clouds than yesterday, but our view was still a bit obstructed. We will try again tomorrow. During our devotion time this morning Brad Miller introduced us to a new method of bible study called “Turning God’s Word Loose”. It is a great way to dig into an area of scripture. Be sure to ask us about it when we see you again.

We completed the drain field and some landscaping, and almost finished the roof of the Qui shed. Thanks for the prayers for the lumber to show up and the rains to hold off. Both requests were answered. After our projects were completed, we took a journey to the center of the earth. Well actually just to the equator, where we were told that we are all 2 pounds lighter than at home. Which none of us believe because the food has been soooo good here.

Tonight we had a panel discussion with the missionary men that are serving here in Quito. The three that participated were Brad, Bob, and Howard (and Howard’s wife Mary). They gave their testimony on how they came onto the mission field and allowed us to ask many questions. It is interesting to see how God uses people of many backgrounds and talents to expand his kingdom. Some may not return the same…

And the beat goes on

The day started with a 4:30am perimeter hike. That means a group of us hiked the boundary of the property here at El Refugio. This brought us to an elevation of 11,000 feet. That is 1,700 feet higher than the buildings that we are staying in. This was just a warm-up for the day of work that was ahead of us. More progress was made on the projects that we have been working on, but even better, we got to sit in on the Youth World staff meeting that is held at El Refugio once a month. This was truly a blessing to see the love that this group has for each other and how they are committed to their work here. During the meeting we got to hear from a missionary couple that is returning the states after 32 years in South American missions. They were an encouragement to all and Scott is sending for Tina and the kids to come down to take over their mission. JK… For dinner we had the privilege of tasting some of the Qui. This is the small rodent that we are building the new home for. It is considered a delicacy here in Ecuador. The night was finished off with a great time of discussion with our group that has brought us all closer together as a team and on an individual basis. Be sure to ask us about it. Some may not return…

Thursday, May 3, 2007

“An oasis in the midst of an assault on your senses.”

The above was a comment made by Mike Charron after our visit to the dump. The oasis he was referring to is the day care center at the dump. This ministry, Extreme Response, is providing a safe alternative to children working alongside their parents in the dump. They can give these young children proper care and Christian influence, and as they grow older, give them opportunity for a good education.

We had a full day, but the one item I want to share about was our visit to Casa Gabriel. This is an awesome ministry, not just to get kids off the street, but to receive those whom God has chosen to raise up as leaders. We heard two testimonies from boys who took to the streets around age 7, and how God reached them and began to transform their lives. These two boys are now 15. God appears to be using them in a tremendous way, and this environment will give them the training to become leaders.

On a second note, we were introduced to Gustavo, a new resident. The touching part is that he has no spiritual family, meaning his family is not Christian, and therefore no one is there to pray for him. All these boys have many people praying for them and their development in the Lord. Some of us signed up to keep these boys in our prayers every day, and to send them things like birthday cards and Christmas cards. It is very meaningful for these boys to know that someone cares for them, and is praying for them.

We are all doing fine, and having some interesting conversations. This is a great adventure, and we are looking ahead to coming forward home.

Tom Zarnke

Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Breakfast – scrambled eggs with ham, pantitas, pineapple.
Private devotion time
Back to our work projects.
More construction
Team Building
Debriefing and musical worship
Sleep, hopefully without the dogs!

We were a little slower to get back to our projects, but we were anxious to get back to work. We also are really appreciating our devotional time. It always seems to be too short. It has been fun learning Spanish and trading vocabulary with Oher (sp?) and the Enricque (sp?), Andreas and Angelica. Ditch digging is an incremental experience as we thought we reached our goal several times. We’re having fun figuring out the different challenges at the Qui shed, but we are still not always anxious to end our work day.

Team building was yet another rewarding experience for us. We are becoming a more transparent group as we are able to experience a couple of the events as the youth groups and leaders experience when they come onsite.

We had another great dinner with Oher and his 5 year old twin sons, Vladamir and Kenneth. The twins were entertained by Tom and his magic tricks. We finished another great day in “Flexidor” with an impactful devotion time and song and praise session.


Breakfast – French Toast and Sausage
Private devotion time
Split into two work groups (see picture)
Septic “life is a ditch, dig it”
Qui Shed (Guinea Pig) “A happy qui is tasty qui”
More construction
Down pour
Free Time
Short Term Mission Orientation
Sleep…dogs barking…sleep…dogs chasing fox…trying to sleep…

We worked very hard, a lot of physical labor, partly due to the altitude. We needed to make sure we drank a lot of water. Both tasks seem rather daunting, but we put a really good dent in both projects. We were very tired at the end of the day, but we felt we really accomplished something. The group is growing in fellowship, and having a fun time with each other. We are laughing a lot (mostly at Scotty’s expense) and we think the LORD is too!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Sunday in Ecuador

A great start to our Men's Eucador Mission trip! We started the day with a delicious baked oatmeal breakfast, then headed out to worship at Carmen Bajo. Two of the men got to share their testimony (Mark and Scott S) and Mike S gave a wonderful message about men's struggles. We had fuilling lunch at the home of Pastor Fabian from Carmen Bajo and were blessed by his wife, father and daughter. We then headed back to Carmen Bajo for some sharing time with some of the men of the congregation. Mike R, Darren and Tom shared their testimony along with very moving personal testimonies from three of the Carmen Bajo men. We ventured over the the office of Youth World for a brief orientation before finishing the day at Brad and Sandi's for our second arroz con pollo meal of the day (don't tell Sandi). Thanks to all of our gracious host for their generous hospitality. We are all very tired and looking forward to a deep restful night of sleep, for tomorrow we begin our work at El Refugio. Good night everyone!

Men's Mission Team