Sunday, April 29, 2007

Messages From The Air

I am writing this entry from the plane somewhere over Central America. I am not sure where, it is pretty dark outside. So far our trip has gone exceptionally smooth. No issues at the airports. As far as we know, all of the luggage is on the plane. And I can type again. My clavicle is healing incredibly well. Five days ago I could not move my arm and I was not sure if I would even be able to make the trip. Now, I can type (with both hands) and I think the bone has fused together today on the plane. There may be something to being in a cramped airline seat. I cannot move my arm very far, and I think it is helping me. I think the prayers are working also. The pain is still minimal and I am healing quickly.

Our serious preparations started on Thursday night with the packing party. The plan was to pack all of our person items in our carry on bags, and leave our two checked bags for the supplies that were donated for the trip. Amazingly, we fit all of the donated items into 22 bags that weighed close to 50 pounds each. That means we have 1,100 pounds of donated items for this trip, and it all fit. The Lord provides exactly what is needed when it is needed.

This morning we all gathered at 9:00am to leave for the airport. We had a wonderful group of family and friends there to send us off with prayer and encouragement. We are leaving the US knowing that there is a huge group of people praying for us while we are gone. The luggage check-in at the airport went about as smooth as anyone could imagine. They weighed one of our bags and sent the rest of them through without a second look. Praise The Lord.

In Houston we were able to catch up on the NFL draft and catch a meal before continuing on the second leg of our journey to Quito. I look forward to the opportunities that await us in a few hours. I hope to be able to share them with you over the next few days. Be sure to check out the pictures section. I will update them when I get a connection that is fast enough to allow it.

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