Saturday, March 17, 2007

Woodbury Lutheran Men's Mission Trip To Quito, Ecuador

This is the first posting to the blog that we will be using for our men's mission trip to Quito, Ecuador. This mission trip is a continuation of a series of trips from Woodbury Lutheran to support the Miller family. They are the missionary family that our church sent out into the field a little over six years ago. About a year and a half ago, a group of women from WLC went to Ecuador and we are just continuing that effort. Right now we have a group of 11 men who are committed to make the journey. While there one of our primary focuses will be to work on a community bathroom at El Refugio. El Refugio is a 350-acre retreat and training center less than an hour north of downtown Quito. They are planning on having larger groups this summer and they need these facilities to support the larger groups.

Currently we are deep into the process of the fund raising activities which include a handyman service, pancake brunch, and support letters. The brunch is taking place on Sunday, March 25th from 11:00-1:00 at Woodbury Lutheran Church. We have already had a few opportunities to serve different families with the handyman projects thanks to a large snowfall that we received a few weeks ago. Because of the snow we were able to help some people out with snow removal. Other projects include plumbing issues and door replacements.

We look forward to sharing more as we get closer to our departure data of April 28th. Please be in prayer for our group as well as Youth World through this process and experience.

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